Alisha Limbu

Anastasiya Berthier

How Old Is Anastasiya Berthier? Know Her Age, Birthdate

Alisha Limbu

Anastasiya Berthier, born on January 26, 1996, is 27 years old as of 2023. Anastasiya Berthier is a famous Russian ...

Nona Bayat

How Old Is Nona Bayat? Explore Her Age, Height, Weight

Alisha Limbu

Nona Bayat is currently 24 years old as of 2023. The beautiful Nayat is a content creator and fitness enthusiast ...

Jasmine Santibanez

What Is Jasmine Santibanez’s Age? Find Her Height, Weight

Alisha Limbu

Jasmine Santibanez is a professional fitness model and trainer who is currently 23 years old. Jasmine Santibanez is one of ...

Bethany Tomlinson

What Is Bethany Tomlinson’s Age? Find Her Height, Weight

Alisha Limbu

Bethany Tomlinson is a famous bodybuilder, AKA Instagram star, who is 27 years old as of 2023. The gorgeous Tomlinson ...

Get To Know Noof Yusuf Abdulla’s Height And Weight Measurements

Get To Know Noof Yusuf Abdulla’s Height And Weight Measurements

Alisha Limbu

Noof Yusuf Abdullah, AKA Iron Queen Galaxy 88, is one of the most influential bodybuilders with a height of 5 ...

Yorkanis Francis

Revealing Bodybuilder Yorkanis Francis’s Age, Height, Weight,

Alisha Limbu

We believe that bodybuilder Yorkanis Francis’s age is around 40 years old. Yorkanis Francis is a renowned name in the ...

Paula Ranta

Exploring IFBB Pro Fitness Model Paula Ranta’s Height, Age, Weight, Nationality, Birthplace

Alisha Limbu

Pula Ranta is five feet five inches tall. Most people think of men in the fitness field, but some women ...

Trisha Smick

What is Trisha Smick’s Body Weight? Know Her Bodybuilding Journey

Alisha Limbu

Trisha Smick’s body weight is about 68 Kg, around 150 lbs in the pound measurement. She went through a challenging ...

Simeon Panda

How Tall is Simeon Panda? Height, Age, Net Worth, Workout Plan & Diet

Alisha Limbu

British Fitness Icon Simeon Panda is 36 and six feet one inch tall in 2023. The handsome Simeon Panda is ...

Amanda Machado

How Old Is Amanda Machado? Find Her Age, Height, Weight

Alisha Limbu

Amanda is currently 37 years old as of 2023. Fitness is an essential part of human life. In today’s generation, ...

kai greene height

What Is Kai Greene’s Height? Also, Know His Weight, Age, Girlfriend

Alisha Limbu

Kai Greene is one of the most muscular bodybuilders, with a height of five feet eight inches or 172.5 cm ...

Dana Shemesh

Find Dana Shemesh’s Age, Height, Weight, Bodybuilding Career

Alisha Limbu

Dana Shemesh is a beautiful bodybuilder and fitness model, born on August 31, 1975; she is now 48 years old ...

Dylan Crenshaw

Find Out IFBB Pro Figure, Dylan Crenshaw’s Height, Weight, Age, Bio and Net Worth

Alisha Limbu

Dylan Crenshaw’s height is five feet and ten inches (176 cm) and weighs approximately 81 Kg (180 lbs). Dylan Crenshaw ...

Serra Satelle

A Look at Serra Satelle’s Age, Height, Weight, Birthplace

Alisha Limbu

Serra Satelle, the prominent fitness influencer and bodybuilder, is around 44 years old as of 2023. In today’s generation, many ...

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